Books,  Harvard Law Review

Harvard Law Review, Feb. 2014, Explores Partisan Federalism, the Unnecessary Constitution, and State Action under Sebelius

The February 2014 issue (Volume 127, Number 4) features the following articles and essays:

• Article, “Partisan Federalism,” by Jessica Bulman-Pozen
• Book Review, “Never Mind the Constitution,” by Jeremy Waldron
• Note, “NFIB v. Sebelius and the Individualization of the State Action Doctrine”

In addition, student case notes explore Recent Cases on such diverse subjects as FDA limits on Plan B contraception, local zoning bans on medical marijuana sellers, a First Amendment defense to right-of-publicity claims, warrantless searches of cell-site data, copyright fair use and transformative artwork, undocumented alien workers as barred from backpay under labor law, international law and jurisdiction over the facilitator of piracy, juvenile life without parole and retroactivity, whether an unaccepted Rule 68 offer moots a plaintiff’s individual claims, whether a private equity fund is a “trade or business” in pension law, and whether a mentally ill prisoner is competent to be executed. Finally, the issue includes two summaries of Recent Publications.

The Harvard Law Review is offered in a quality digital edition, featuring active Contents, linked notes, active URLs in notes, and proper ebook formatting. The contents of Volume 127, Number 4 (Feb. 2014) include scholarly articles and essays by leading academic figures. Quid Pro Books is the exclusive ebook publisher of the Review, and many recent issues can be found here.

Available at all leading ebook sites:

Amazon for Kindle.

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Also found in ePUB format at Smashwords. Look for it, too, at Kobobooks and Diesel e-books.


ISBN 9781610278744 (eBook)
Page count: 212 pp.
List Price: $3.99