Our Series Editors

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Individual papers may still be submitted for traditional publication or posting on SSRN, and still the collection will be published as a paperback. Meanwhile, or instead, this is a great place to make sure a cutting-edge panel’s work lives on, and is available soon for others’ use. Since we cater to the author, our editor royalty rates are fair and we work with you to produce the best product.

A print and digital book from Quid Pro, and your acting as Series Editor for the collection (or for a solo-authored work or any other series we publish–just propose your own installment to us) means quality formatting, a reasonable publication timeframe, and availability through accepted outlets like Amazon, B&N, YBP Library Services, and iTunes Bookstore, with easy use of ebooks on multiple platforms including  free apps on the PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android devices, and BlackBerry–plus of course Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Sony Readers. Paperback editions are available for dissemination to libraries and sales by Amazon, YBP and other retailers, and several titles are also published in hardback.

About the Series Editor of Legal Legends, and the Publisher of Quid Pro Books:

Steven Alan Childress is the Conrad Meyer III Professor of Law at Tulane University, where he teaches legal ethics, torts, and evidence. He earned his law degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. and M.A. in Jurisprudence & Social Policy from Berkeley, as well as his B.A. from Alabama. He writes about federal courts, the First Amendment, and legal ethics, and blogs at The Legal Profession Blog.

Alan coauthored Federal Standards of Review, a treatise on appeals and motions in federal courts. Its 4th edition, published by LexisNexis in three volumes, is available; previous editions have been cited by over 350 courts, including many times by the Supreme Court. He has edited a modern, annotated edition of Holmes’ The Common Law, and is the author of a 2020 guide to the Louisiana notary exam. He is a member of the California, D.C., and Supreme Court bars, Phi Beta Kappa, and the Law & Society Association.

He also contributed the entry on Lawyers to David Clark’s prodigious Encyclopedia of Law and Society, available from Sage.

As Series Editor for Legal Legends and the publisher of Quid Pro Books, Alan brings back classic and foundational work in law and society — the basic canon of lawyers and scholars, in fact — in print and digital form, with quality formatting and actual proofreading. Most online or ebook forms of such works available before were worth the paper they’re written on.  These masters of legal scholarship and judicial history deserve better than hasty scanning. The Legal Legends editions are the epitome of Digitally Remastered Books.™