Books,  Featured,  Fiction

Bob Reiss brings back two of his bestselling novels, in paperback and eBook formats

1. The Casco Deception

Captains Island: 1942 . . . For the sleepy little fishing village in Casco Bay, war was just a distant rumbling. Life went on pretty much as usual while their giant sixteen-inch guns guarded the convoys leaving Portland, Maine. Only Tom Heiden, a young American security officer, was uneasy—they were vulnerable to attack.

Nobody seemed ready to listen . . . and then a stranger named Ryker showed up.

But John Ryker—who seemed as safe as the man next door—was a killer, an American-born mercenary and Germany’s most valued secret agent. He had served the Reich faithfully and well behind enemy lines in France, Poland, Norway. This time the assignment was different: to return to the place of his birth as the leader of a Nazi commando team. Their mission: capture an army base off the coast of Maine! This time Ryker would strike the blow that would destroy his native land. . . The Casco Deception.

A “taut thriller”! —Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Paperback edition: available at Amazon,, YBP Library Services, Midwest Library Service, Ingram catalog, and other retailers.

Also available in these digital formats:

Kindle edition, at Amazon.

NOOK, at Barnes & Noble.

Apple iBooks and iTunes: see it on iPad and iPhone bookstores; previewed previewed online.

Google Play.



Author:  Bob Reiss

ISBN 9781610273947 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781610273930 (ePUB)
ASIN B07JH2NM7V (Kindle)
List price: US $5.99 (ebook) / $16.99 (pbk.)
Page count: 260 pp.
Published: Nov. 6, 2018

2. The Last Spy

They seem like perfect Americans. Ash is a prize-winning journalist. David is a major Washington powerbroker. Corinna is a stunningly beautiful Justice Department lawyer. But they’re too perfect to be true. And they’re not American at all.

Trained to live like Americans, they’re elite foreign plants, threatening the highest echelons of American society, with a top-secret agenda even they don’t know about.

And now they’re out of control…. The game has changed, and no one has told them the rules. Betrayed by their own country, thrown into a world they cannot trust, three people are about to face the most dangerous enemy of all — each other.

In a powerful novel that spins from one explosive surprise to the next, Bob Reiss leads three intriguing players from close camaraderie to bloody betrayal. Provocative, fast-paced, and thoroughly compelling, THE LAST SPY takes us into a new realm of spycraft.

“This is only the second book I’ve ever read that has taken me away from my family, food, work, and everything else, leaving me curled up on my couch, ignoring the world until it was done; the first book was The Silence of the Lambs.”
— Eugene Izzi, author of Tribal Secrets and King of the Hustlers

Paperback edition: available at Amazon,, YBP Library Services, Midwest Library Service, Ingram catalog, and other retailers.

Also available in these digital formats:

Kindle edition, at Amazon.

NOOK, at Barnes & Noble.

Apple iBooks and iTunes: see it on iPad and iPhone bookstores; previewed online.

Google Play.



Cataloging: THE LAST SPY
Author:  Bob Reiss

ISBN 9781610273923 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781610273916 (ePUB)
ASIN B07GQQVQJ7 (Kindle)
List price: US $5.99 (ebook) / $16.99 (pbk.)
Page count: 324 pp.
Published: Oct. 17, 2018