Our catalog of all books of all genres and formats.
Did U.S. Judaism Lose its Way As it Became Led By Lawyers?
That is the provocative question posed by historian Jerold Auerbach in Rabbis and Lawyers: The Journey From Torah to Constitution. Most of the people he vividly describes are considered great or heroic, and the events all good, but by thorough research he reveals that the canonization is not always appropriate. Their devotion to law and assimilation may have cost plenty on issues of Zionism, the Holocaust, and founding an Israeli state. Their fundamental Americanization and accommodationist values may not have served history well. Auerbach examines the special contributions of rabbis and lawyers to American Jewish acculturation. Based on extensive research in U.S. and Israeli archives, his analysis of how lawyers…
UCLA’s Joel Handler, in Law & the Search for Community, Goes Beyond Liberalism on Issues of Welfare, Medical Consent, Pollution, Special Ed, Elder Care (ebooks and now in print)
Law and the Search for Community is not your typical left-liberal study of the needs of powerless people and the power of government actors. It does not propose more law, more rights, more bureaucracy, more lawyering. It instead exposes the tensions of the usual rights-empowerment and due process response to such community needs as to special education, care for the elderly and poor, and water pollution. What Handler, author of more than 10 books on poverty and civil rights, finds is that cooperation and dialog count more than layering on rights and procedural review. First published in 1990 by Penn Press, and well received and reviewed since then, the book…
New fiction by Lawrence Friedman: Death of a Wannabe is a modern murder mystery in the tradition of Agatha Christie
Reluctant trusts & estates lawyer meets mysterious murder of a client, apparently by another client. Frank May practices law, but he's getting by doing only the safe, bland kind--writing wills, forming partnerships, processing papers. Far from the seedy adventures of criminal law. But a dead body wakes you up and takes you to places you don't want to be...
Jerold Auerbach’s journeys, hearing Jacob’s Voices, make him confront being American and Jewish
An acclaimed American professor of U.S. history finds his roots in a personal journey through Israel (and through assimilated America, academia, and family), into deep tensions about culture, identity and religion. Available in paperback, Kindle, Sony, and Nook formats, plus online and PDF. AVAILABLE in multiple digital formats and a new paperback too.
New Titles in IP Include the “Green” John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law
Books and a leading IP law review go digital in an historic way, working with Quid Pro. The latest edition -- the Special "Green Issue" -- of John Marshall RIPL is now AVAILABLE as an ebook, download, or active PDF, from Amazon and other sites.
Now out in print: Federal Standards of Review, 4th ed.
In its new Fourth Edition, in three volumes, a product of LexisNexis Publishing Co.
Holmes’ The Path of the Law and The Common Law: Combined Edition for eReaders, iPads, Android, and Apps
Two of the greatest works of law and political philosophy, both by legendary legal icon Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., are conveniently combined into one new, affordable digital edition. The Common Law in 1881 pronounced that experience and policy, not precedent and logic, are superior tools for judges--and "The Path of the Law" expanded on his pragmatic view that law is what judges do and what people obey, not some inherent morality.
Adversarialism and Consensus? studies different styles of UK Solicitors and Divorce Mediators
Lisa Webley compares the professional styles and attitudes in the UK of the legal profession and mediators in handling divorce cases. Law and sociology presented in quality digital formats with active contents, linked footnotes, and formatted tables. Now also available in paperback at B&N etc., and for eight digital platforms.
An undeniable classic of law and philosophy is digitally remastered
For a new generation of readers interested in the-much debated idea that law includes tools for its own departures. (Sometimes you just have to break the law to truly honor it.) Read more about Mortimer Kadish and Sanford Kadish, Discretion to Disobey, on its feature page, with details and reader reviews. Buying information from Amazon is here. If the Amazon format or one of the Kindle apps for other devices does not work for you, we have now published it to Smashwords (ePub, PDF, .rtf, Sony and Javascript formats) too. For the Sony Reader, you can buy it at Smashwords and also at the Sony ebookstore directly. NOW AVAILABLE AS…
The Bank Teller: Peter Gabel
The Bank Teller explores the desire within each of us to overcome our isolation and to see and be seen by the other in a relation of authentic connectedness.