Eleanor Lothrop’s Throw Me a Bone Tells of Adventures in Archaeology in South America
“If you marry a man it is presumably because you like the man and not, necessarily, his profession. Marrying a mortician or a dentist, for instance, does not presuppose a passionate interest in and a knowledge of embalming or filling teeth. Yet an archaeologist’s bride is expected to emerge from the marriage ceremony with a fullblown understanding of history, sociology, linguistics and philosophy, to say nothing of the less frivolous aspects of anatomy.”
Eleanor Lothrop picked up a lot along the way of her adventures with famed Harvard archaeologist Samuel Lothrop, but most of all was able to tell the tale through her own lens: witty, wide-eyed, exasperated, patient, and charming. This classic book has entertained generations with the lighter side of a dig and the people she encountered in Southern Chile, Central America, and other deeply hidden spots on Earth. Clever illustrations complete the timeless experience of discovering new cultures, ancient cultures, and even the odd culture of a dig itself.
Newly presented by Quid Pro as a Digitally Remastered Book, this edition removes distracting underlines, stray marks, and library artifacts typically found in such republications (as seen on Preview). Broken letters and words are completed. It provides a more pleasant reading experience than just a copy of a used library book. It is part of the Journeys and Memoirs Series from Quid Pro Books.
Join Eleanor and Sam on the humorous sides of their journeys. “And even if it wasn’t exactly in the manner of my dreams, at least I’ve covered more ground marrying an archaeologist than I ever could have as an ambassador’s wife.”
PAPERBACK available from Amazon.com, our QP eStore (powered by Amazon), Barnes & Noble online, YBP Library Services, Ingram Catalog, and other booksellers.
ISBN 978-1-48022-106-2 (paperback)
246 pp.
Publication Date: Nov. 5, 2012